Dusty old books

2 min readMar 20, 2023
Photo by Rafael Garcin on Unsplash

And it came to pass, in a land far off, a humble goat herder named Abner was known throughout the village for his wisdom and the prosperity of his goats, the finest of all the land.

Now, as Abner tended his goats upon the mountainside, he found an ancient scroll concealed beneath a heap of stones. Unrolling the scroll, he read a tale of a magical spoon that bestowed great fortune upon the one who held it.

The words on the scroll spoke of a magical spoon, hidden for generations, buried within the very mountains where Abner herded his goats. It was written that the one who found the spoon would be blessed with abundance, and their goats would flourish above all others.

And so, Abner, filled with hope, began a great search for the magical spoon. He traveled far and wide, neglecting his goats, leaving them to wander the mountainside alone. As the days turned into weeks, the people of the village began to murmur amongst themselves, questioning the wisdom of the once-respected goat herder.

During his quest, Abner met an old sage who lived in a cave atop the highest peak. The sage, hearing of Abner’s pursuit, spoke unto him, saying, “The words of old scrolls are filled with the thoughts of men long past, and not all that is written can be trusted as truth. Consider the wisdom you have gained from your life’s work, and ask yourself if the pursuit…

